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The Dr. Hauschka experience on tour

Photo: Arne Schneider

An enchanted garden that grows more than 150 medicinal plants; an office building that was once home to our co-founders; cosmetic facial treatments that all begin with a foot bath. For the numerous visitors who visit us year after year at the base of the Swabian Jura mountains, one thing is clear: Dr. Hauschka cosmetics have been different from day one.

Out of Eckwälden and into the world

The very special atmosphere that has surrounded our valuable cosmetics since 1967 has previously only been found in Eckwälden. Until now. We wanted to bring this unique experience to people around the world. So, we acquired a mobile home for our creams, lotions and oils that was designed with just as much attention, care and respect as Dr. Hauschka’s natural homeland: an Airstream trailer. The shiny silver aluminium body of this legendary caravan reflects the sun, clouds and trees, allowing us to discover and experience nature in ever-changing ways while we’re on the road.

A rush of happiness

Born out of a spirit of commitment and pioneering research, shaped by meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail: The history of the Airstream trailer fits perfectly with the development of our natural cosmetics. These silver trailers with their perfect curves were created in the USA in the 1930s by Wally Byam. An aircraft enthusiast at heart, Byam wanted to design a caravan that reflected his passion for flying. The Airstream’s aluminium body was supposed to be just as aerodynamic as its airborne inspiration, and it was the express wish of the inventor that the trailer “rush over the roads like the wind”.

The rush that we get when we look at our cosmetic Airstream is not the result of aerodynamic speed, however, but of happiness. Around 80 percent of these silver style icons are still rushing over the roads of the world today. Finding a used one is therefore extremely rare, and makes us all the happier to be the proud owners of an original vintage Airstream.

Our new (old) Airstream from the 70s.
Photo: R. Hermann
The trailer interior has been carefully renovated.
Smooth materials and earthy colours create the perfect environment for our natural cosmetics.
Photo: R. Hermann
Glass windows allow light and air into the interior.

Not different, but better

The Airstream model that is transporting our Dr. Hauschka cosmetics and experience around the world dates back to the early seventies. It is therefore from the same generation as the precious products on board. Like them, the Airstream has changed very little over the decades – but has undergone continuous improvement.

Some careful changes were necessary, however, to make this legendary trailer roadworthy again. The characteristic Airstream details, which were manufactured with such meticulous craftsmanship, have barely been touched. This includes the high-quality aluminium bodywork, which was manually stretched over the form-giving frame and secured with thousands of rivets in a process that would have taken hundreds of hours. The slight scratches in the original 70s aluminium were deliberately left visible, as they form part of the trailer's history and add to its character.

Natural inside and out

We also carefully renovated the trailer’s interior. Smooth materials and earthy colours set the tone inside – which measures seven metres in length, a little over two metres in width, and two metres in height. Though this is unfamiliar surroundings for our valuable natural cosmetics, they feel right at home. Not least because the real glass windows let in plenty of light and air, while also providing a view of the natural surroundings.

We admit that a visit to our trailer isn’t quite the same as a tour of our medicinal herb garden. But it certainly provides an idea of what visitors can expect. Get the Dr. Hauschka experience in Eckwälden or in our trailer, somewhere in the world.